Agenda - Children, Young People and Education Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: 19 November 2020

Meeting time: 09.15
For further information contact:

Llinos Madeley

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565



In accordance with Standing Order 34.19, the Chair has determined that the public are excluded from the Committee's meeting in order to protect public health. This meeting will be broadcast live on



Private pre-meeting

(08.45 - 09.15)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest





2       Evidence session on the impact of Covid-19 on higher education and staff & student well-being with representatives from the Higher Education sector

(09.15 - 10.15)                                                                           (Pages 1 - 17)

Joe Atkinson, Press and Public Affairs Consultant – NUS Wales

Becky Ricketts, President - NUS Wales

Jamie Insole, Wales Policy Officer – University and College Union (UCU)

Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor – WONKHE

Attached Documents:
Research Brief



3       Papers to note





3.1   Additional information for the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill from Mudiad Meithrin following the meeting on 17 September

                                                                                                 (Pages 18 - 20)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 1



3.2   Letters from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to Welsh Government Ministers - request for information on the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2021-22

                                                                                                 (Pages 21 - 36)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 2



3.3   Letter from the Chair of Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee to the Minister for Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales - request for information on the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2021-22

                                                                                                 (Pages 37 - 44)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 3



3.4   Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to all NHS Wales health board Chief Executives regarding COVID-19 and children and young people’s mental health

                                                                                                 (Pages 45 - 46)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 4



3.5   Additional information from the Children's Commissioner for Wales following the meeting of 5 November regarding COVID-19 and children and young people's mental health

                                                                                                 (Pages 47 - 51)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 5



3.6   Letter to the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language from the Welsh Language Commissioner regarding Welsh Language mental health services

                                                                                                 (Pages 52 - 55)

Attached Documents:
CYPE(5)-28-20 - Paper to note 6



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public for the remainder of the meeting





5       Impact of COVID 19 on higher education and staff & student well-being with representatives from the Higher Education sector - consideration of the evidence

(10.15 - 10.25)                                                                                                





(10.25 - 10.40)



6       Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill - consideration of the draft report

(10.40 - 12.00)                                                                       (Pages 56 - 161)

Attached Documents:
Explanatory paper
Chapter A – Background and policy context
Chapter B – General principles
Chapter C – Details on the face of the Bill
Chapter D – Languages: English and Welsh
Chapter E – Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE)





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